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Security Council Jr.

The Security Council is the United Nations' most powerful body, with "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security." Five powerful countries sit as "permanent members" along with ten elected members with two-year terms.

Welcome to the Security Council of the United Nations. We are glad to give you the opportunity of representing your country in one of the most important and vital bodies of the UN; a committee that discusses topics of complete urge in order to maintain international peace and security. Since it was created, in 1945, the Security Council has discussed and solved a wide variety of issues that go from civil wars and terrorist attacks, to international peace and security problems. It is an organelle composed of 15 members, yet we will have eighteen, in order to improve the dynamics of the committee.
My name is Alessandro Villa and I will be your Chair in WAMUN 2016 along with Javier Canela as your co-chair and Andres Leal as your secretary. During the last two years I have attended at least fifteen different MUNs in Caracas as a delegate, and it’s my first time as a chair in WAMUN.
This Booklet has been carefully made to guide you through the topics we will discuss in order for you to have an overview of what we are expecting from you. Even though this is meant to guide you, we hope that you won’t limit just to the information found in the links below, and that you will research more deeply about the topics and about your role as the country you represent, in order to have a more wide and dynamic debate, and that way assuring the reach of better solutions. Remember always to follow your position as the country you represent to avoid misunderstandings and to address the topics in a more viable and realistic way. I invite you all to participate on the debate and to expose and discuss all your brilliant solutions to these really important topics. We hope this Booklet will be helpful for you. We can’t wait to moderate this committee to teach you a lot of important and interesting things and learn from you many others.

Alessandro Villa

Chair of Security Council Junior

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November 25th, 26th and 27th

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Academia Washington

Calle C de Valle Arriba

Caracas, VE 1080


E-MAIL: logisticstaff2016@gmail,com

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