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International Criminal COurt

The International Criminal Court (ICC) investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community: genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Rules of Procedure

Dear delegates, welcome to the XII Edition of Washington Academy Model of the United Nations. My name is Isabel Lopez and along with Lars Morsink and Emiliana Marcano, we will be your judges for the three days of this conference.
It has been a few years since there was a Court committee in WAMUN, and I decided it’s time to bring it back, and what a better way to do it than recreating the International Criminal Court. This won’t be like a regular committee, meaning that you will represent a law attorney or jury member, instead of a delegation, which means you are expected to come prepared with strong and compelling arguments, a clear knowledge of the basic principles of the ICC and
the Rome Statute, and a sharp mind, quick to detect holes or inconsistencies in arguments or evidences that may be presented.
The topic we selected is nothing more than a mere fictionalized adaptation of the current situation the world is living: terrorism. We’re basing the case on the terrorist incident in Nice, France, during Bastille Day, which left 84 people dead. However, the person being tried is not the perpetrator himself, but the man who promoted the incidents in the first place. This Court is going to try Ahmed Mubarak al-Moradi on the count of individual criminal responsibility.
While elements have been fictionalized, that doesn’t make the case any less real, because we face the question of how much criminal responsibility lies on the person who incites radical and violent tendencies in others; especially in nowadays mostly interconnected world. So, should we hold Ahmed al-Moradi accountable promoting such fatal incident? That’s for you to think and prove, and for us judges to decide.
If you have any questions regarding the case or trial procedure, feel
free to contact me at, and I will be happy to
answer your questions.
Isabel Lopez
Head Judge, International Criminal Court

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November 25th, 26th and 27th

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