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General Asembly

The General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the UN. Decisions on important questions, such as those on peace and security, admission of new members and budgetary matters, require a two-thirds majority. Decisions on other questions are by simple majority.

Dear delegates, in representation of the organizing committee of the twelfth edition of WAMUN and Washington Academy, I want to welcome you, and candidly thank you for being part in this three-day conference. Every year we hold a committee during the third day that is attended by almost every committee in the model. This committee simulates the General Assembly, which is the most important representative organ in the United Nations, a forum where all nations have the right to speak, and their votes are of equal significance. The General Assembly is a signature feature of WAMUN, whose main goal is to encourage delegates to get together and discuss ideas and strategies as a unified delegation discussing a single topic with a resolution already presented, which will be amended and voted.

My name is José Puig, and as the Secretary General of the model I will be serving as the Chair of the General Assembly. WAMUN is a great opportunity for all the present delegates to nourish their debate and public speaking skills, leading arguments and negotiations in very innovative ways. This booklet will give you information about the nuclear situation in Russia, yet we encourage you to conduct further research; because even though it will be the last day of the event, this debate is as serious and important as any other, and it is imperative for you to be as involved as possible.

I hope this booklet provides you with necessary information for the topic to be discussed, and you find the WAMUN experience as enriching and fun as I have. If you have any doubts or comments regarding this booklet, you can contact me through and I will gladly answer them.



José Puig 

Secretary General, WAMUN 2016

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November 25th, 26th and 27th

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