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Human Rights Council Jr.

The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 States responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe.

HRC Jr. Booklet

Welcome delegates to the committee of Human Rights Council Junior, it is an honor to introduce you to the twelfth edition of WAMUN 2016. The Human Rights Council was founded on March 15, 2006 and it replaced the former United Nations Commission of Human Rights. It is responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and addressing situations of human rights violation, which is considered to be its primary objective and goal.
My name is Carlos Lahrssen and I will be your Chair. The Human Rights Council is by far one of my favorite Model UN committees as it pushes delegates to question morality and negotiate with others despite cultural differences between nations. When you examine the topics and go in depth in your research, you will encounter the evils of the world that are the cause of disharmony and chaos, you will begin to study the morality or lack thereof concerning the topic, and with that information will push you to become more proactive and actually bring some useful change into the world. I look forward to seeing you all fight for human rights delegates! As your co-chair we have Barbara Moreno, and present as our secretary, Andres Silva both of them also experienced and more than capable of working in this MUN.
This booklet will work as a source of information for the committee, it will help you understand the intricacies within the topic, and learn the important facts that are vital in each issue; however, you will be expected to conduct further independent research about the topics. If you have any doubts or questions, about anything regarding the topics or the committee you may contact us at (Carlos Lahrssen, your Chair), and we will surely answer your inquiries.
Carlos Lahrssen
Chair, Human Rights Council Junior

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November 25th, 26th and 27th

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