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WAMUN is an MUN organized in its entirety by Washington Academy students, with the guidance and experience of our counselors and MUN Directors.


Washington Academy has a great tradition of MUNs, not only hosting our own but also participating (and succeeding) in international competitions. WAMUN has a commitment to being an activity from which every student leaves a better person.


We look forward to seeing you this November!


WAMUN 2016 will be the Twelfth Edition of the Washington Academy Model United Nations. It will take place on the 25th, 26th and 27th of November, 2016 at the Washington Academy in Valle Arriba, Calle C de Valle Arriba.


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November 25th, 26th and 27th

Contact Us


Follow Us

Academia Washington

Calle C de Valle Arriba

Caracas, VE 1080


E-MAIL: logisticstaff2016@gmail,com

On snapchat and instgram: heyitswamun

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