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Position Papers


For all committees, delegates will be required to submit position papers for WAMUN 2016. Position papers are meant to give a general idea of what your country's position will be for a specific topic to be discussed.


You will have to submit a position paper for each topic you will discuss. They are to be sent in 1 week before the date of WAMUN; specifically Thursday, November 17th.


This year, we will also make all position papers available for all delegates in a committee so that they can know each country's position beforehand and plan accordingly.


When you send your position paper, make sure you send it to We will then send you additional information on how to access other delegates' position papers.


For information on how to make a position paper, check out the page below.

Writting your Position Paper

For instructions, tips, and examples on how to write your position paper, please refer to this site provided by the United Nations Association of the United States of America:


Writting your Position Paper

All position papers recieved will be stored online in the cloud. There, your chairs will be able to read them, edit them and make corrections. You will also be able to access other delegates' position papers so you can see what their policies are, and you can arrive to your committee with proposals, counter-proposals, and information about what each country will do. If you dicide to print it and hand it inwhen arriving to WAMUN please notify via email your chairs so no warning are given.


Please, send position papers on both topics as a single document. The document's name should be the name of your country. In the subject of the email, please indicate your committee and country.


Note: Delegates that fail to submit a position paper in time (or at all) will receive a warning when they arrive in committee

Send your position papers to:

by Thursday, November 17th, 2016.

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November 25th, 26th and 27th

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Academia Washington

Calle C de Valle Arriba

Caracas, VE 1080


E-MAIL: logisticstaff2016@gmail,com

On snapchat and instgram: heyitswamun

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